El Roi

El Roi tattoo

To the girl who feels like she lives in the spaces of the unseen… falling into the cracks of the sidewalk, blending into the pattern of the walls and walking as if a vapor in the breeze.


Her voice timid and accustomed to going unheard. 

Her opinions brushed to the side and suggestions nodded at like a child’s. 


At work she meets deadlines, yet her name is never called. 

At home, her list goes and goes, but each checkmark earns no applause.

The photos on her social feed somehow slip by unnoticed. 


Is that me, or perhaps you?


Do you walk in a room and gazes hit the floor or flutter across the ceiling – as if they’re looking everywhere except at you?


Perhaps you speak and instantly regret the sound, willing your thoughts back into your mouth, knowing, certain, that no one will understand. Misinterpreted and misunderstood. And there you go again, melting into the nooks where no one would ever look to find you. 


Yet, there is a set of eyes that roam to and fro throughout the land. Searching for the hearts that beat to his melody, finding the souls that sing his song. He sees. 


Like a perfect work of art, the painter admires his handiwork in you. You’re gorgeous when he stares from afar, all the while beautiful when he leans in close. He can’t quite decide which he prefers. It’s all too grand, you see. You are. To him. 


So as you delight in the freshly bloomed lilies or let salty tears drip into your palms, there is one who sees you fully. He never looks away when life gets heavy. And he doesn’t require an introduction when you’ve gone astray. Your voice he recognizes. Your smile he knows. Your heart he wove.


El Roi. The God who sees me.

Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord who had spoken to her. She said, "You are the God who sees me." She also said, "Have I truly seen the One who sees me?"

  1. I’ve felt this so many times!

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