Hiding From God

You can hide anything if you really want to.

You can hide your pain, and you can hide your sorrow. Gulp down the tears and press up a smile. 

But hiding joy, why would we want to do that? I’ve kept a straight face while my heart burst with excitement. Don’t let them know you care. Don’t let anyone see this makes you happy. Why?

If you uncover the happiness, it’ll be left in the open to be stomped on. Crushed. It’s better held close to the chest, protected and sheltered. But then it dies in the dark. 

You can hide the storyline of your life, giving only the pieces that create a pleasant little masterpiece. An image of what we want others to see. 

You can hide your sin. Your shame. We can give answers that justify and excuses that seem wise. 

But you can’t hide from God.

Oh I wish I could.

The truth slowly swells in your heart, spilling into every corner. God feels the weight grow heavier as he holds me in his hands. 

A life in hiding feels safe. I’ve tried it. You get only what I want you to have, nothing more. Nothing less.

But the truth stays trapped. Alone. The entire thing a facade that eventually becomes too heavy to hold. It crashes. I watch the pieces sparkle from the ground wondering if they could’ve made something beautiful if I’d only let them be honest.

I can hide for a while. But eventually I’m discovered by the One who sees it all. The tears come. The guilt stings. But the one who saw it all gently picks up the pieces as He always has, promising that my mess will never be too much for Him to bear.

So maybe…I think…I’m thankful that I can’t hide from God.



  1. Love you!

  2. God created me with talents & strengths, weaknesses & faults. When I give my life to Him, he makes my weakness strong & my faults are used to make me draw close to Him & trust that He is working all things for my good.

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