
I watch the eyes glaze as I go deeper into my story. I notice body language slouch as I continue to talk. I pour out the emotions of my day, but I know there’s a time when my tongue should be tamed and told to stop.  

There’s a limit to the amount I can spew to my family. Human ears can only tolerate so much. Their hearts can only hold a piece of my burden and their souls weren’t made to do the heaviest of lifting. 

A limit to the best intentioned listening ear.

A limit to the strongest shoulder offered for my tears.

A limit to the voice that shares advice and wisdom.

A limit to the time I can spend occupying space with another.

A limit to the promises made here on earth.

As I relax and lean in to depend on those here with me, I can’t help but notice they’re weakening. Their arms have carried all the bags they can hold and their bodies are slowing from the journey alongside me. I see clearly the limit they’ve reached that I’m tempted to take personally, but I know it’s just part of being in this world, for this land is full of stops and conclusions.

An edge of a cliff. A shore of an ocean. A peak to a mountain and a bottom of the valley. It’s painted in all of creation in this place we call home. An end to a heartbeat and the finality of a breath.

My soul sinks into the sadness as I notice the limits all around me. Until, I lift my eyes to the only one who has no end or beginning.

His love is limitless and his listening ear never grows weary. His wisdom flows like a river eternal and his promises never fail. His word stretches forever and his embrace doesn’t let go. The limitless power of God shines even brighter in the darkness of our dead end world.

I push my mind to leave the sorrow of the many ends I see right in front of me and seek the one who goes and goes. 

He doesn’t yawn at my prayers or sigh at my complaints. His foot doesn’t tap at my stories and his eyes don’t narrow during a performance. There’s no clenched jaw, urging me to hurry along or dragging feet as he leads me down the path. No long story that needs to be made short. 

I’m so thankful he never makes me feel like a bother, but I can’t help but know just how unworthy I am of grabbing his attention or taking up his time, yet still I end each day with a peaceful sigh, knowing he’ll still be there tomorrow. And the next day…