The Author


The author of life. 

Thats always been my favorite description of God. Not the Hebrew words that might make me seem much deeper and smarter but the simplicity of a writer. It’s a way I tend to start my prayers, lifting my voice in a strong whisper declaring that he knows the plot and sees the story. His words, not mine. His imagination, not mine. His thoughts, not mine. His storyline, not mine. 

You see, I’m barely even equipped to turn a page. To yank a flimsy corner of my fragile life and try to pull and tug to move from this slow season quicker, I’ve learned is not for me. It’s not for my fingers to touch. Some words aren’t made for skimming or passing right by, and the longer I live between these two covers, I see those are the ones worth reading over and over. Maybe even the parts worth highlighting or bending the top piece to return to one day.

I stand in awe at the thought that he would put pen to paper to script more than just one line about my small self. He saw fit to use up the ink and turn each page as he crafted my story, some sentences I’ll admit, I’d rather he’d ripped from the book and crumpled into a wad and tossed  to the floor. A pile of mistakes that he never meant for me to endure, but for some reason he left them in the final draft, and I’ll never know why.  Why those parts that turned and twisted and never had foreshadowing made it past editing. Did that  phrase really quite fit in that chapter? 

Why did some of the main characters leave and why were some so disguised? It doesn’t make sense but the author knows why. He doesn’t write my life like a daily journal, flowing with his emotions of the moment, for he carefully crafted my beginning, middle and end. Some words seem longer and others more confusing. Many are blurred like a spill on the page and there are times when I wonder if a chunk had gone missing. 

Yet I know my author handles his precious work with care, protecting the journey with a fragile yet strong cover, letting her look tattered but still dressed with a smile, because what’s written on her heart is a story eternal.